Sunday, 7 March 2010

The Daily Mail- Toilet paper of the rough and itchy kind

The Daily "Fucking" Mail is stirring up trouble and scaremongering the British public yet again. This time it's the veterinary industry they have decided to moan about- something I know a little about.
It all began last year when there were a couple of poorly balanced 'documentaries' (and I use the term very loosely...) about vet who don't care about animals at all, just their pay packets. The DM has now published an article on how yearly boosters for dogs and cats are making our animals seriously ill and the vets are scaring animal owners so they can cash in. Most vets will tell the owner that a lump may form at the site of the injection and that the animal may be a bit lethargic for a day or so. No vaccine is 100% guaranteed or safe. One dog owner even claims that her dog has developed Autism from having his yearly vaccination. Autism is defined as "
A pervasive developmental disorder characterized by severe deficits in social interaction and communication, by an extremely limited range of activities and interests, and often by the presence of repetitive, stereotyped behaviors." While I cannot guarantee that animals can not suffer from autism, how the hell do you tell? The owner claims that her dog is now aggressive and refuses to make eye contact. Maybe a behavioural issue? We do not fully understand autism in humans let alone understanding how an animal perceives the world. Perhaps there is something wrong with the dogs' brain with what he 'thinks', maybe he actually needs a vet? But of course vets are evil bastards who terrorise our animals and swipe as much money as possible from our bank accounts! Many people will have thought this for years and never had one of their animals vaccinated and 'they've always been really healthy'. Lucky you- you've obviously never had a puppy with parvo die in your arms as the vet struggle to put a drip in the bone because the puppys' veins have collapsed.
There are bad vets, just like there are bad doctors, bad nurses, bad social workers. Not everyone will sing to the same hymn sheet. However, I have worked with over 30 vets at 8 practices during my time as a nurse, and ALL of them work long hard hours flat out to give the animals the best care and treatment. If vets are evil why do they operate to save your cat/dog/rabbit at 2am, saving its life and giving it a blood transfusion despite having worked from 8am-7:30pm the day before and then having to work the full day again the next day? Evil and sadistic OR passionate and caring?
Then of course is the big argument on vets fees? Does anyone actually stop to think about how much it costs to run a veterinary practice? The NHS has spoiled us (and look at how much we moan about that!). My parents both have had cancer at some point in their lives. They are lucky enough to have private health insurance- the cost for both of the them was over £11,000 each. A very basic piece of equipment in my practice died this week- a centrifuge to spin down bloods samples before they are sent to external labs for testing- the cheapest new one we can find is over £800- for one very small, very basic but very essential piece of equipment. There is an eye cream called Optimmune which is very very good but the vets rarely dispense it although they would like to- because it costs the practice £40-45 for a 3g tube. You put a small mark up on it to make a profit (veterinary practice
IS a business) and it costs the client nearly £50.
Medical treatment costs and if you aren't prepared to pay it or you know you can't pay it then maybe you should think twice about that cute kitten/puppy/bunny you've seen.